Graduate Student, Undergraduate Student, or Postdoc is for current students and for recent graduates who intend to enter graduate or medical school within the next two years - includes membership in the American Aging Association Trainee Chapter.
Lay Membership is for those that currently do not hold a degree in Biomedical Gerontology or related field.
If you are a Butler-Williams Scholars Alumni and within 2 years from appointment as Assistant Professor (Trainee or ECI), please contact the AGE Central Office for assistance with your membership.
Benefits of Membership:
The American Aging Association fosters the scientific and professional career development of its members through scientific meetings, networking, mentorship, and financial support of trainees. Members have access to exclusive content, such as recorded seminars and Powerpoint slides, and have free access rights to the electronic content of the journal GeroScience.
Would you like to help us as a Donor or contribute expertise to our programs?
Thank you for joining and we hope you find your membership experience a valuable one. If you would like to become involved at a deeper level and are able, both time and financial support are something we hope you might consider. Options to get involved in the Association are best discovered at theAnnual Meeting while any financial assistance to help with our razor-thin budget is greatly appreciated. Please consider making a small (orlarge) donation today and letting us know you want to see us grow and come to the meeting and share with us your insight!